Monday, May 16, 2011

Fashion Fix
Issue date: 9/2/05 Section: Variety 
By Vanessa Voigt

We have all heard of the rule, "No white after Labor Day," but if you are anything like me, then giving up white clothes, just because the calendar tells you to, is irritating. But is it also necessary? I know personally, I am not going to give up my white MIA stilettos without some fashion rule confirmation! Well, in search of an answer, I surveyed 50 girls and 50 boys from GC&SU to see where this rule is written in stone. My goal was to get the common understanding of this fashion faux pas, but instead I learned everyone has their own rule, that they swear is the right one. 

The majority of the 50 girls I surveyed said, in general, it is okay to wear both white accessories and white clothing after Labor Day. BUT before you get excited, "in general" is the key phrase there. I soon learned that in order to conduct the survey precisely, I would have to be majoring in statistics instead of journalism because everybody had something different to say. 

Alison McDonald, a senior, summed up many peoples' views when she said, "The only reason I would not wear white after Labor Day is because of my mom." 

But is this fashion tradition truly outdated, as McDonald suggested? Nearly one-third of all girls surveyed gave an absolute no to all white after Labor Day. 

Maggie Wise, a junior, said, "You should definitely not wear white after Labor Day. It's rule! A southern tradition!" 

The guy's survey on the other hand wasn't so confusing. Nearly 100 of them said yes, its fine to wear white after Labor Day. Actually no, that's not exactly true because most of them said, "What, you can't wear white after labor day?" 

Mark Dorner, a sophomore, said, "Guys pretty much wear what is clean in the closet." 

Still wondering how much longer I had to wear my cute white, fitted jacket, I went to an expert for her opinion. 

Amy Salinger, who was featured on Tommy Hilfiger's reality show "The Cut" on CBS, said in a an email interview, "No one should wear all white after Labor Day. This is not because of "the rule," it is because white is very representative of summer. It is not summer anymore! Even using it with separates, i.e. blazer or slacks, is too much. Don't avoid white, use it wisely. Add a pin stripe for example, and it is definitely ready for fall!" 

More confused, I gave up and decided to join in on the diversity. Here are my own ground rules, formulated from all of the different responses I have heard. 

The Rules:

Instead of worrying about color, focus on weather appropriateness by examining clothing material. The "no white after Labor Day" rule originated from the fact that white clothing is more comfortable in the summer's weather. But we are in Georgia, so most white clothes are comfortable to wear all year round. 

White Tennis shoes are definitely okay all year round. Come on now, do you really expect me to wear black tennis shoes? As far as white flip flops, I would like to encourage you to throw them out for fall, or get rid of them all together! They have to be dirty by now anyway . And the most important rule is: Wear what you love and what makes you feel good for the day!

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